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ESWC2005 Proceedings - LNCS 3532
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Program Committee

Dean Allemang (Boston University, US)

Jürgen Angele (Ontoprise, DE)

Sean Bechhofer (University of Manchester, UK)

Richard Benjamins (iSOCO, ES)

Walter Binder (EPFL, CH)

Paul Buitelaar (DFKI, DE)

Christoph Bussler (DERI, IE)

Fabio Ciravegna (University Sheffield, UK)

Oscar Corcho (iSOCO, ES)

Hamish Cunningham (University Sheffield, UK)

John Davies (BT, UK)

Ying Ding (DERI, AT)

John Domingue (The Open University, UK)

Stefan Decker (DERI, IE)

Andreas Eberhart (University of Karlsruhe, DE)

Dieter Fensel (DERI, AT)

Mariano Fernández-López (CEU, ES)

Natasha Fridman Noy (Stanford University, US)

Aldo Gangemi (CNR, IT)

Mari Georges (ILOG, FR)

Fausto Giunchiglia (University of Trento, IT)

Carole Goble (University of Manchester, UK)

Christine Golbreich (University of Rennes, FR)

Jeremy J. Carroll (HP, UK)

Vipul Kashyap (Clinical informatics R&D, US)

Atanas Kiryakov (Sirma AI, BG)

Manolis Koubarakis (Technical University of Crete, GR)

Manuel Lama Penin (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, ES)

Alain Léger (France Telecom, FR)

Riichiro Mizoguchi (Osaka University, JP)

Dunja Mladenic (J. Stefan Institute, SL)

Enrico Motta (The Open University, UK)

Wolfgang Nejdl (LS3 and University of Hannover, DE)

Leo Obrst (MITRE, US)

Massimo Paolucci (Carnegie Mellon Univesity, US)

Peter Patel-Schneider (Bell Labs, US)

Terry Payne (University of Southampton, UK)

Dimitris Plexousakis (University of Crete, GR)

Alan Rector (University of Manchester, UK)

Marie-Christine Rousset (University Orsay, FR)

Guus Schreiber (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)

Daniel Schwabe (PUC-Rio, BR)

Nigel Shadbolt (University of Southampton, UK)

Steffen Staab (University of Koblenz, DE)

Heiner Stuckenschmidt (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)

Rudi Studer (University of Karlsruhe, DE)

York Sure (University of Karlsruhe, DE)

Katia Sycara (Carnegie Mellon Univesity, US)

Valentina Tamma (University of Liverpool, UK)

Sergio Tessaris (Free Univ. Bozen, IT)

Frank van Harmelen (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL)

Steve Willmott (Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, ES)

Michael Wooldridge (University of Liverpool, UK)

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