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ESWC2005 Proceedings - LNCS 3532
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Invited Speakers

2nd European Semantic Web Conference

May 29 to June 1, 2005

Heraklion, Crete (Greece)

Tuesday May 31st, 2005

9:00 - 10:30am

SWebB: Semantic Web Browsing

Fausto Giunchiglia - Universtity of Trento

About the Speaker:
Fausto Giunchiglia is Professor of Computer Science at the University of Trento. He is a Trustee of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Conference (IJCAI) committee, was a Trustee of the European Network of Excellence on Symbolic Algebra and Deductive Systems (CALCULEMUS), was President of the Advisory Board of International Conference on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR). He is/was a member of, among others, the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, AI Communications, the International Journal of Software Tools for Technology Transfer, the Journal of Applied Non Classical Logics, and the Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research. Finally, he is/was chair and/or member of the program committee of many conferences, symposiums and international workshops, among them: Conference Chair of IJCAI 2005, KRR 2002, COOPIS 2001, FLOC 1999; Program Chair of KRR 2000, AIMSA 1998, SARA 1998.

Wednesday June 1st, 2005

9:00 - 10:30am

The Semantic Grid: Past, Present and Future

David De Roure - University of Southampton

Grid computing offers significant enhancements to our capabilities for computation, information processing and collaboration, and has exciting ambitions in many fields of endeavour. This talk will explain why the full richness of the Grid vision, with its application in e-Science, e-Research or e-Business, requires the combination of Semantic Web and Grid - giving us the the "Semantic Grid", an extension of the current Grid in which information and services are given well-defined meaning, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation. The history and state of the art in Semantic Grid will be presented, and future trends discussed.

About the Speaker:
David De Roure is a founding member of the Intelligence, Agents, Multimedia Group at University of Southampton, where his research focuses on the application of advanced knowledge technologies to both Grid and pervasive computing. He is a chair of the Semantic Grid Research Group in the Global Grid Forum and a member of the GGF Steering Group. He led the research team in the CombeChem Semantic Grid project and other projects relating to "Semantic Media", and is also involved in the UK e-Science programme through the Open Middleware Infrastructure Institute and as Co-Director of the Southampton e-Science Centre.

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