Panel Session
European Semantic Web Conference
29 to June 1, 2005
Crete (Greece)
Presentation Title: |
Presenters: |
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Funding Strategies For The Semantic Web |
Stefano Bertolo |
PPT (65k) |
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ESWS Panel 2005 |
Rudi Studer |
PPT (114k) |
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Funding in the U.S.Semantics, Web, Services 2005 |
Gio Wiederhold |
PPT (1.4Mb) |
May 31st, 2005
- 18:00
Strategies for the Semantic Web: Current Activities and Future Trends.
Rudi Studer - University of Karlsruhe
Rudi Studer
is Full Professor in Applied Informatics at the University of Karlsruhe,
Institute AIFB ( His research interests
include knowledge management, Semantic Web technologies and applications,
ontology management, data and text mining, Web services, and peer-to-peer
He obtained a Diploma in Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart
in 1975. In 1982 he was awarded a Doctor's degree in Mathematics
and Computer Science at the University of Stuttgart, and in 1985
he obtained his Habilitation in Computer Science at the University
of Stuttgart.
From 1977 to 1985 he worked as a research scientist at the University
of Stuttgart. From 1985 to 1989 he was project leader and manager
at the Scientific Center of IBM Germany.
Rudi Studer is also director of the Knowledge Management Group at
the FZI Research Center for Information Technologies at the University
of Karlsruhe ( as well as co-founder of the spin-off
company ontoprise GmbH ( that develops semantic
He is engaged in various national and international cooperation
projects being funded by e.g. the European Commission, the German
Ministry of Education and Research, and industry. He is president
of the Semantic Web Science Association ( and Editor-in-chief
of the journal Web Semantics: Science, Services, and Agents on the
World Wide Web (
Bertolo Ph.D - European Commission's Information Society and Media
Directorate General
Stefano Bertolo
earned his Ph.D in Philosophy and Cognitive Science in 1995 from
Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey (USA) with a dissertation
on formal learning theory and human language learning. After three
years as a post-doctoral fellow at the Brain and Cognitive Science
department of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology working
on extensions of his thesis results, in 1998 he joined Cycorp, a
privately held company in Austin, Texas, known as the developer
of Cyc, the largest common sense knowledge base in existence. At
Cycorp he was involved in the development of various commercial
and Government funded applications (search engine extensions and
question answering systems) whose common theme is the use of information
extraction and natural language processing techniques to extract
usable formally represented knowledge from text. In October 2004
he joined unit E2 of the European Commission's Information Society
and Media Directorate General, where he presently works as a scientific
project officer.
Gio Wiederhold - Stanford University
Gio Wiederhold
is now an Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering,
and Medicine at Stanford University, continuing part-time with ongoing
projects and students. Since 1976 he has supervised 34 PhD theses
in these departments. Research topics addressed knowledge-based
integraition of information, an algebra over ontologies, access
to simulations to augment decision-making capabilities, privacy
protection in collaborative settings, composition of software, and
value assessment of software.
Wiederhold has authored and coauthored more than 300 publications
and reports on computing and medicine, including an early popular
Database Design textbook, now in the ACM Digital Library. He initiated
knowledge-base research through a white paper to DARPA in 1977,
suggesting that combining databases and Artificial intelligence
technology would be effective. The results led eventually to the
concept of mediator architectures.
Wiederhold was born in Italy, received a degree in Aeronautical
Engineering in Holland in 1957 and a PhD in Medical Information
Science from the University of California at San Francisco in 1976.
Prior to his academic career he spent 16 years in the software industry.
His industrial career followed computer technologies, starting with
numerical analysis applied to rocket fuel, implementation of FORTRAN
and PL/1 compilers, real-time data acquisition, a time-oriented
database system, eventually becoming a corporate software architect.
He has been elected fellow of the ACMI, the IEEE, and the ACM. He
spent 1991-1994 as the program manager for Knowledge-based Systems
at DARPA in Washington DC. He has been an editor and editor-in-chief
of several IEEE and ACM publications. Gio's web page is