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Online registration is now closed.

Attendees may register at the conference registration desk, May 28th – May 31st (by cash or credit card only)

Important Dates

Tutorial handouts due: April 30, 2005
Workshop proceedings due: May 7, 2005
Acceptance Notification: April 8, 2005
Camera ready abstracts due: April 20, 2005
Conference Registration:  
Early Registration - closes: April 15, 2005
Regular Registration - closes: May 14, 2005
On-site Registration: May 28 -
May 31, 2005



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Tutorial 2 - Presenter Biographies

"Human Language Technology (HLT) for Knowledge Acquisition for the Semantic Web: A Hands-on Tutorial"

Dr. Hamish Cunningham | Kalina Bontcheva | Marta Sabou    
Johanna Voelker | Atanas Kiryakov   

 Dr. Hamish Cunningham

Dr. Hamish Cunningham has been a researcher in language and knowledge technologies for around fifteen years, and currently runs a research team as part of the Natural Language Processing group in Computer Science at the University of Sheffield . He sits on the management boards of the SEKT and PrestoSpace projects of the EU's Framework 6 IST programme, and is principal investigator on a number of other significant research initiatives. He has published widely, sits on a number of editorial boards and performs other professional activities such as project proposal reviewing for the EC, EPSRC, BBSRC, ESRC and NWO. Dr. Cunningham's team produces the GATE platform for language and knowledge research, which is used by organisations as diverse as British Telecom, Imperial College, Hewlett Packard, OntoText, Perseus, Greenstone, NCSA, and in projects such as SEKT (EC), AKT (EPSRC), PrestoSpace (EC), KnowledgeWeb (EC), MMKM (EPSRC), ETCSL (AHRB), MultiFlora (BBSRC). Home page:

 Kalina Bontcheva

Kalina Bontcheva received her master degree in Computer Science from the University of Sofia , and her Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing from the University of Sheffield . Since 1999 she has been a research fellow (promoted from research associate) on a number of European and UK-funded projects in the areas of natural language generation, information extraction, and knowledge technologies.

 Marta Sabou

Marta Sabou is a PhD student at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Her research interests include web service descriptions, ontology learning in the domain of web services and ontology visualisation. She has published widely on this topic at prestigious conferences such as ISWC and WWW. She will present how she applied GATE in the context of this work

 Johanna Voelker

Johanna Voelker is a PhD student at the Institute of Applied Informatics and Formal Description Methods (AIFB) at the University of Karlsruhe .

Her research interests include information extraction, text mining, ontology learning and the Semantic Web. She received a diploma in computer science with a special focus on computational linguistics from the University of Saarbruecken . She will present her work on Text2Onto

 Atanas Kiryakov

Atanas Kiryakov, Ontotext Lab, Sirma AI EOOD: Atanas Kiryakov is the head of Ontotext and has a well-established reputation in the field of knowledge management and the Semantic Web. He has managed the development of the KIM platform for Semantic annotation, indexing, and retrieval. He will present an overview of KIM as an example of a comprehensive semantic-based system, using GATE



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