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Tutorial handouts due: April 30, 2005
Workshop proceedings due: May 7, 2005
Acceptance Notification: April 8, 2005
Camera ready abstracts due: April 20, 2005
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Early Registration - closes: April 15, 2005
Regular Registration - closes: May 14, 2005
On-site Registration: May 28 -
May 31, 2005



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Tutorial 3 - Presenter Biographies

Semantic Web Services Tutorial

Daniela Berardi | Prof. Dr. Christoph Bussler | Liliana Cabral    
Emilia Cimpian | Dr. John Domingue | Massimo Mecella | Matthew Moran    
Dumitru Roman | Michael Stollberg | Prof. Katia Sycara   

 Daniela Berardi

Daniela Berardi (Ph.D. in Computer Engineering) is a Research Associate at Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, where she recently dissented a Ph.D. thesis entitled "Automatic Service Composition. Models, techniques and tools“ concerning formal representation and automatic composition of Web Services. In 2004 she has been a Visiting Scholar at Bell Labs, invited by Rick Hull. She has also been invited to join the working group on Semantic Web Service Language (SWSL), under the auspices of the Semantic Web Service Initiative. Her research interests include logics and logic of programs on course of European and Italian research projects (INTEROP, MAIS). Since 2001, she is currently appointed as a lecturer in courses for master thesis students in Computer Engineering, at Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza".

Affiliation Information:

Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma, Italy

 Prof. Dr. Christoph Bussler

Prof. Dr. Christoph Bussler is Executive Director and leader of the Semantic Web Services cluster of the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at the National University Ireland , Galway . He published a book in B2B Integration, two books in workflow management, over 60 research papers in journals and academic conferences, gave tutorials on several topics including B2B integration and workflow management. Chris Bussler was keynote speaker at many conferences and workshops; he serves as program committee member and reviewer at many international conferences, and is professionally active as member of several organizations including the Semantic Web Services Initiative and Semantic Web Science Association. Chris Bussler is founding member and chair of the WSMO working group.

Affiliation Information:

Galway National University of Ireland
University Road
Galway, Ireland

 Liliana Cabral

Liliana Cabral is a research fellow at the Knowledge Media Institute, The Open University, where she has been employed since September, 2002. Her main research focuses on the design and implementation of IRS-II, a framework for Semantic Web Services. Previous projects include MIAKT where knowledge technologies from the AKT project were combined with medical imaging technology and GRID services to support the diagnosis of breast cancer. She is currently a member of the EU-framework 6 project DIP.

Affiliation Information:

Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes , MK6 7AA

 Emilia Cimpian

Emilia Cimpian is a Ph.D. researcher with Digital Enterprise Research
Institute DERI. She is working in the area of Semantic Web Services, her
main interest being Semantic Web Services interoperability, in particular
the reconciliation of behavioural mismatches. Emilia is involved in several
EU- funded projects, and she is a member of WSMO and WSMX working groups.

Affiliation Information:

Galway National University of Ireland
University Road
Galway, Ireland


 Dr. John Domingue

Dr. John Domingue is the Deputy Director of the Knowledge Media Institute at The Open University, UK. He has published over 80 refereed articles in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Human Computer Interaction; he is involved in a number of projects and is currently a Co Principle Investigator on the UK EPSRC funded Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT) project, the Scientific Director of the EU funded Integrated Project on Semantic Web Services DIP, and a chair of the WSMO working group.

Affiliation Information:

Knowledge Media Institute
The Open University
Walton Hall, Milton Keynes , MK6 7AA

 Massimo Mecella

Massimo Mecella (Ph.D. in Computer Engineering) is a Research Associate at Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza", Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica, where he has conducted research in the last 5 years in the fields of Software Architectures, Information Systems, Distributed Systems, and of Service Oriented Computing. He is author of more than 20 papers on Services, in the VLDB Journal, in the specific VLDB Workshop on Technologies for e-Services (TES), in the International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC) and in the Workshop on Web Services, e-Business, and the Semantic Web (WES). He is member of the program committee in several conferences of the Service Oriented Computing area. He is currently involved in European and Italian research projects (, VISPO, MAIS), in the context of automatic service composition and distributed service orchestration.

Affiliation Information:

Universita' di Roma "La Sapienza"
Dipartimento di Informatica e Sistemistica
Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma, Italy

 Matthew Moran

Matthew Moran is a researcher with the Digital Enterprise Research Institute DERI, working in development and system architecture for Semantic Web Service systems. He has exhaustive professional experience in soft development, and is involved in several national and international projects. Matthew Moran is a founding member of the WSMO and WSMX working group.

Affiliation Information:

DERI Galway
National University of Ireland
University Road
Galway , Ireland

 Dumitru Roman

Dumitru Roman is a Ph.D. researcher with the Digital Enterprise Research Institute DERI, working in the area of Semantic Web Services. He is the WSMO working group coordinator and a component leader in the ASG project, involved in several EU-funded projects, and founding member of WSMO and WSML working groups.

Affiliation Information:

DERI Austria
University of Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 21a
A-6020 Innsbruck , Austria

 Michael Stollberg

Michael Stollberg is a researcher at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute DERI, located at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. He is working in national and international projects related to Semantic Web Services, wherein his main research fields are architectures for Semantic Web Services and mechanisms for discovery and contracting of Web Services with special regards to B2B settings. He has published around 12 scientific articles in the area of the Semantic Web and Web Services. He is project manager of the Semantic Web Fred project, involved in several EU-funded projects, a founding member of WSMO, and a working member of the SWSI initiative.

Affiliation Information:

DERI Austria
University of Innsbruck
Technikerstr. 21a
A-6020 Innsbruck , Austria


 Prof. Katia Sycara

Prof. Katia Sycara is Research Professor in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University , and the Director of the Laboratory for Semantic Web and Agents Technology. She has given numerous invited talks, and has authored or co-authored more than 200 technical papers dealing with Multiagent Systems, Software Agents, Agent Teams, Web Services, the Semantic Web, Human-Agent Interaction, Negotiation, Case-Based Reasoning and the application of these techniques to e-commerce, crisis action planning, scheduling, manufacturing and financial planning. In addition, Katia Sycara is one of the co-authors of the OWL-S note Submitted at the W3C (see In addition she is a co-author of the W3C Technical Note on “Web Services Architecture” and a co-author of the UDDI v3 specifications and of the forthcoming UDDI Semantic Search specifications.

Affiliation Information:

SoftAgents Lab
Carnegie Mellon University
5000 Forbes ave
Pittsburgh PA , 15213 , USA



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