Tutorial 4 - Presenter Biographies
Text Mining for Semi-Automatic Ontology Construction
Marko Grobelnik | Dunja Mladenic
Marko Grobelnik
Marko Grobelnik is an expert in analysis of large amounts of complex data with the purpose to extract useful knowledge. In particular, the areas of expertise comprise: Data Mining, Text Mining, Information Extraction, Link Analysis, and Data Visualization as well as more integrative areas such as Semantic Web, Knowledge Management and Artificial Intelligence. Apart from research on theoretical aspects of unconventional data analysis techniques, he has valuable experience in the field of practical applications and development of business solutions based on the innovative technologies. Marko was employed as a researcher first, at the Computer Science Department at University of Ljubljana and later at the Department of Knowledge Technologies at J.Stefan Institute, Ljubljana , Slovenia . His main achievements are from the field of Text-Mining, having a leading role at research and development projects funded by European Commission, having projects with industries including Slovenian publishing house, Slovenian National and University Library and companies such as Microsoft Research. He has published papers in refereed conferences and journals, served in program committee of international conferences and organized a series of international events in the area of Text Mining, Link Analysis and Data Mining .
Dunja Mladenic
Dunja Mladenic is an expert on study and development of Machine Learning, Data Mining and Text Mining techniques and their application on real-world problems. Her current research focuses on data analysis, with particular interest in learning from Text and the Web. She is associated with the Department of Knowledge Technologies of the J. Stefan Institute since 1992. She got her MSc and PhD in Computer Science at University of Ljubljana in 1995 and 1998 respectively. She was a visiting researcher at School of Computer Science , Carnegie Mellon University , USA in 1996-1997 and in 2000-2001. She has published papers in refereed conferences and journals, served in the program committee of international conferences and organized international events in the area of Text Mining, Link Analysis and Data Mining. She is co-editor of the book “Data Mining and Decision Support: Integration and Collaboration”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003 and “ Web Mining: from Web to Semantic Web”, Lecture notes in AI, Springer, 2004.